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In the first month of this project, I brainstormed ideas for the layout of the film, creating the style guide for the film, gathered existing footage from my years as a media director of Team Texas, and prepared for my interviews the following month. During the early stages, I was also able to find my preferred transitions, background music, and pull footage from past national and international competitions on YouTube. My interview questions were aimed at gathering information not only about Team Texas, but of the sport of rock climbing as a whole. To view the full set of interview questions, click on the document image below. To view a sample of my raw footage, click the editor timeline image. 


Once I was able to conduct interviews with a few of the leaders of Team Texas, I got to work with editing the hours of raw footage. In the final stages of the project, I spent most of my days in front of my Macbook on Final Cut Pro.

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I would be lying if I said that the final product is what I had envisioned at the beginning of this process. Between difficulty to schedule interviews, financial obstacles (I was only able to have equipment rentals for a limited time and could not afford to re-rent to acquire more footage/interviews), working a full time job on top of my studies, and one tech issue after the next (computer failure, microphone failure, etc.), I truly felt like my personal failure in this project was eminent. That being said, I am proud to have created something that I can use as a starting place for future editions of this project in my professional career within the climbing industry.

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